14 Pax converged at Talon to knock off some of the Christmas excess. YHC and Koby decided to close Fury and run a convergence Co-Q at Talon. I nice crowd showed up and put in some work. It went like this:
Koby Section
Mosey from parking lot to Flag Pole out front.
15 Minute Core grinder
EMOM(Every minute on the minute) – 45 secs of core work below followed by 10 merkins each round:
Freddie Mercury
Russian twists
Single Leg Bridge left
Single Leg Bridge right
Reverse Cruches
Side Plank right
Side Plank left
Plank Hip Dips
Do not let the simplicity of this fool you, it is a grinder and will work you.
Uncle Jesse Section
2018 IPC Week 1
4 Rounds for Time
50 Air Squats
40 BBSUs
30 Merkins
20 Bonnie Blairs (Count right leg only)
10 Burpees
400 meter run (estimated)
Mr Ed for Early finishers
Parking lot 11’s
Mosey to end of parking lot – 10 merkins, 1 squat
Mosey back – 9 merkins, 2 squats
So and and so forth all the way down
Recover called at 5:59 and we mosey back to cars.
Quality effort this morning by almost everyone.
2nd Eff was great at Starbucks and they appreciated us moving all the boxes (on boxing day).
Keep Pusher’s family in thoughts as he deals with his mother’s health.
Reminder to help engage on social media. For those on Facebook, like, share, comment. This is how we will attract new men to join and move forward.