Disclaimer given at 4:59
Nice and humid
Warm-up: In cadence – 20 side straddle hops, 20 cut the grass, 20 imperial walkers, 20 mountain climbers; on your own – 20 merkins and 20 air squats
On the goal line with your coupon complete the following workout (time called at 5:54 for extended COT):
“Remembering 2C – F3 Style – 15/50″
*Complete 50 REPS of the listed exercises, and at the conclusion of each set, complete burpees (starting with 15 and descending by 1 each round).
*When you have completed REP # 39, give a “2C” shout out (or at least think about him) to honor and remember him.
*After each set of descending burpees, run 39 yards out and 39 yards back (2C’s age) before beginning the next round.
Air Squats
Big Boys
Lunges (25 each leg)
American Hammers
Monkey Humpers
Chair Dips (borrow a PAX’s coupon)
Leg Raises
Goblet Squats
Overhead Press
Flutter Kicks (the hard way)
Bonnies (25 each leg)
Tricep Extensions
Gas Pumpers (reverse crunch)
Put coupons up and circle up in the parking lot.
Count/Name – 27 PAX (give 2C’s age and name) instead of your own.
Announcements: Festival of Flowers 5k this Saturday – no bootcamp.
Prayer Requests: 2C’s family and service this afternoon.
Bengay invited each PAX (who wanted to) to say something they remembered or would like to share about 2C. Many great memories were made throughout Andrew’s time in F3 and many men shared. He had a positive presence about him, had his challenges and most importantly, was/is a child of God. 2C, I hope you felt honored by your brothers in the gloom today! We love you.
Duggar prayed us out.