F3 Greenwood

YHC was doing what he does — talking some smack — at Howard’s after the Mill Hill Marathon (which was very well organized and led, with it without orange arrows😉) — when Quickie hit YHC with the ole “You should Q next Saturday” trick. It worked. 

Conditions: 64° and consensus was that this weather would be the perfect year-round boot camp weather.

Range of motion drills to get things going. YHC channeled his inner Koby and the pax immediately took note and let YHC know about it. Bear = poked. 

100 burpees on your own. Call out sets of 10 for accountability. #OldSchoolJugz Alpo specifically requested this piece of pain. It was very quickly obvious why. He finished, watered some of the landscaping, took a nap in the back of his truck, and chipped in 50 reap for his teammates. Oh yea, after a very brisk 4-mile ruck right before we got started. 

Some more yoga. YHC has been dubbed “Koby 2” as if he is some sort of new release in a line of overpriced but very snazzy basketball shoes. Like these: 


Grab a spot on the wall for some wall sits. Thirty seconds of bad jokes (worst joke of the day told here by 2C. YHC’s stomach cut a flip and may have gotten a little woozy. A few quick chest compressions, two breaths, and YHC was back at the helm. 

Staying at the wall, 5 wall walks with a hold at the top. #BTTW boys. Don’t be shy. 

Another wall sit that was supposed to be 30 seconds but ended up over a minute due to more jokes. By jokes, YHC means the worst dad jokes we could dig up, all of which amuse YHC immensely. #BlindManInAWell

Mosey over to a new spot in the parking lot. 25 merkins on your own, well, after Alpo gets done showing off. #ShirtlessEntryApproved

25 LBCs IC. “Oh, this really is Koby 2 on the Q!” 😂😐😠 12 burpees on your own…and hold it down in the #PeanutGallery! The #Mumblechatter was straight up on point this morning and made the pain not feel so bad. 

Mosey to another spot for some more merkins and hand release rabbit burpees. #DontAsk

Pays to be a winner. Two teams did some relays. We lost. 

     — bear crawl relay

     — sprint ray with merkins at the end

     — max awaits in 5 minutes as a team

Sugar and YHC manipulated the system to only bear crawl half the distance. #HatersGonnaHate

FNG (subsequently named DP) and Bandwagon CRUSHED the bear crawls. 2C did some silverback version of the bear crawl that made him like the Carl Lewis of bear crawlers. A true #SugarRay. 

This is where Alpo went #Elvis. He was on time for #2ndF, but at least an hour late for work. #Priorities

We moseyed again for some more merkins. Partner up — wait, Alpo left and made us uneven. YHC can be the fifth wheel. Sets of 10 merkins, one man works at a time. Both pax do 50 merkins. Pax not working talks a little about himself. Get to know each other. YHC can’t speak for the other groups. But divine intervention was quite obvious for our little group. I’m further coincidence (if you believe in such), the three of us unintentionally ended up at the dam table at Howard’s. Draw your own conclusions here. 

Mosey back to Old Glory, which had come uprooted and was lying on the ground. YHC tasked himself to get it proper folks for disposal and pick up another flag. 

At some point, DixieChick appeared out of the gloom no worse for the wear after more miles than YHC cates to think about. #TheBlur

It was, as always, an honor and privilege to share some blood, sweat, and tears with such committed and honorable men.