Weather: Is it really October?
Disclaimer: Given
Warmup: 25 SSH IC, 25 MT Climbers IC
Work: Grab 1 coupon and a partner. Line up on the goal line.
Round 1 Partner 1 does max overhead presses. Partner 2 runs to other goal line and does 20 big bois. Mosey back to partner 1 and flip flop. Repeat 4 times.
Round 2 Partner 1 does max curls while partner 2 runs to other goal line and does 20 American hammers counting one side. Most back and flip flop. Repeat 4 times.
Round 3 Partner 1 does max chest presses while partner two runs to other goal line and does 20 gas pumps. Mosey back and flip flop. Rinse and repeat 4 times.
Announcements: Saturday is at Talon. 7:00 Start time.
Prayer request: Sugar and UJ marathon this weekend.
Tweeter, Quickie, Koby and Round Up Ragnar race this weekend.
Rapunzels sister n law and new born.
Had request for a easily modifiable, leg friendly, non balls to the wall partner style workout this morning. With the request and coming off of the IPC, I figured a good laid back heavy rep workout where PAX could focus more on form than time or pace would fit the bill. Solid work was put in by all who posted this morning. But the two PAX who had made request for today’s workout were both defeated by the fartsack this morning. Maybe next time.