F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 49 degrees and light rain, perfect conditions for a gazebo gathering.

1 minute warning consisted of hustling to get a coupon and take shelter.

Warmup: 20 Copperhead Squats IC, 20 High Knees IC, 20 Shoulder Taps IC, 10 Burpees OYO.

The Thang

Part 1: AMRAP in 20 Minutes of the following work.

20 Curl to Press, 20 Merkins, 20 American Hammers (hard way), 20 Squats, 20 Flutterkicks w/ Coupon in Press position.

Part 2: 10 Round Tabata, 45 second work 15 second rest.  Rounds went as follows:

Mountain Climbers, KB Swings, Big Boy Sit-ups, Block Jump-overs, Alternating side Block Merkins, Thrusters, Bent Over Rows, V-sit hold while performing a coupon press up (intensifying mumblechatter here!), Dips, Goblet Squats.

Part 3: PAX 1 performs 10 burpees while remaining PAX hold a plank, rotate thru all PAX’s  (significant uptick in Mumblechatter with this combo, including YHC 😂)

Part 4: PAX 1 performs 5 Manmakers while remaining PAX perform Leg Raises to Block.  Rotate thru all PAX

Part 5: PAX 1 performs 10 V-ups while remaining PAX perform Coupon Chest Presses.  Rotate thru all PAX

Custers last Stand: 21-15-9 of Bonnie Blair’s (hard way), Calf Raises, X-Factors (hard way).

Mosey to return the coupons and circle up.  We counted and named out.


Delusional’s grand opening today?

Community volunteer opportunity at Boys and Girls club today, 9-til (Message Tickle for more detail).

Prayer Requests

Duggars family, Flossy and family, the Ukraine.  YHC prayed us out.


Good turnout today in spite of the weather, all PAX showed out and put in top shelf effort.  Couple of side notes: YHC got a verbal reprimand and a sideways glance from Sunshine when I skipped a song he liked, YHC quickly hit the skip-back button.  Also, when Crayola says an exercise is a “Good one” it really sucked 😂. The v-sit with coupon press will be brought out again. As always an honor to lead a group of HIMS this morning, and look forward to the next one.  Brut is out.