F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 70 degrees (yes you read that right) and just perfect for a whoopin.

1 minute warning called, Disclaimer given. Time to get to work.


5 burpees and 20 SSH OYO, 20 Copperhead Squats IC, 20 Cut the Grass IC, 5 burpees and 20 SSH OYO.
We are sufficiently warm, grab a coupon and meet on the goal line.

The Thang

Part 1: 10 round Tabata, 20 seconds work 10 second rest, alternate rounds of Mountain Climbers and Thrusters.
Part 2: 8 minute EMOM with rotating work. Max effort of the following for 1 minute each: Coupon Curls, American Hammers, Overhead Press, Gas Pumpers, ManMakers, Little Baby Crunches, Tricep Extensions, X-Factors. At one point YHC noticed Foreclosure and Crayola doing ab work ON their coupon. 😱

Part 3: Time to Get Chipper WOD the following work in order:

50 Squats, 10 Burpees, 40 Big Boy Sit-ups, 10 Burpees, 30 Walking Lunges (easy way), 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 10 Burpees, 10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 10 Burpees, 30 Walking Lunges (easy way), 10 Burpees, 40 Big Boy Sit-ups, 10 Burpees, 50 Squats.
Part 4: Still time left and to be honest memory gets a little hazy after burpee/merkin portion of the WOD, but YHC recalls us doing: Farmer Carry to opposite goal line, leave coupon and backpedal back. 5 burpees OYO, side shuffle back switching direction at 50 yard line, rifle carry coupon back to original goal line. 10 big boy sit-ups OYO, farmer carry to opposite goal line. Rifle carry coupon to last trash can, Murder Bunny rest of the way back. Farmer carry back to opposite goal line, mosey to last trash can and 4 count BearPees the rest of the way back. Back pedal to opposite goal line, farmer carry coupon back.

20 second little r recover, finish as a group 1 minute plank. Recover called. Return coupons and circle up.

We counted, we named.
Announcements: regular scheduled programming this week. Saturday BC’s always @ Talon 6 am start now.
YHC shared devotion on 2 Thessalonians 1:11, and making sure we all have a WHY and a WHO that we are making our resolutions for so that they stick.
Prayer Requests

Flossy’s Dad, Pothole’s BIL and M, Sharpie’s M’s Grandfather, Pusher and Family, Souther Belle’s M. Lot’s of illness and strength to pray over all.

YHC prayed us out.

It was YHC’s pleasure to lead these men on the gloom to start 2022. The work was tough, kept the Ol heart rate pumping the whole time with little time to recover. All men beasted the work, especially when I look over and see Duder in a dead sprint while farmer carrying his coupon!  Solid work men, thank you for showing up.

Until next time, Brut is out