F3 Greenwood

1 Minute Warning and Disclaimer Given, allowing a few extra seconds as Weaver came rolling in hot on 2 wheels.


8 minute EMOM

Exercises for each minute were as follows: 20 Merkins, 20 Jungle Boi Squats, 10 Burpees, 20 V-ups, 20 Bonnie Blair’s (easy way), 20 4-count SSH, 10 Burpees, 30 LBC’s

Mosey to grab a coupon and meet on the goal line.

The Thang

20 Minute AMRAP

20 Merkins, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 Curls, 20 OH Press, then Farmer Carry coupon one hand out to 25 yard line, other hand back.  Wash rinse and repeat for 20 mins.

Remaining time: another 8 minute EMOM consisting of: 2 Burpees (increased to 3 after 2 rounds), 5 squats, 8 X factors.

Recover called, return coupons, and circle up back in parking lot.


Reindeer Run 5K in Anderson Saturday  ask Tweeter for details.  Dahmer family is our adopted family this Christmas.  YHC can post Venmo info on Twitter feed as needed, will post QR code on there (I think thats what it’s called 😂)

Prayer Requests

Pothole’s BIL, Alpo, Uncle Jessie for healing as they each need and answers to what’s going on.  YHC prayed us out.


Mixed things up a little bit this morning and got out of my comfort zone Q’ing this one.  Max effort was put in by all PAX, and minimal mumblechatter so either we were all drooling sweat equity like it was going out of style, or they were silently blessing me out for creating this mess.  Hopefully it was a solid beatdown for all who came and put in work in the gloom.


Until next time,
