F3 Greenwood

Weather – awesome

5:59 – disclaimer given

6:00 – Warmup – all in cadence except the 20 merkins (OYO) – 35 side straddle hop, 20 imperial walkers, 20 cut the grass, 20 merkins, 20 mt climbers

The Work: BOMBS (burpees, overhead claps, merkins, big boy sit ups, squats)

– start in the middle of the field and complete 10 Burpees, run to one corner of the Endzone and complete 50 overhead claps, run back to the middle of the field and complete 10 Burpees, run to the opposite corner of the Endzone and complete 100 merkins, run back to the middle of the field and complete 10 Burpees, run to the other side/corner of the endzone and complete 150 big boy sit ups, run back to the middle of the field and complete 10 Burpees, run to the final corner of the Endzone and ccomplete 200 air squats, finish the bombs work out by running back to the middle of the field and completing 10 Burpees. Take one full lap around the field and complete core work OYO until time is called. (2-5 minutes)



Announcements – Dam to Dam Relay coming up

Prayer requests – Pothole’s coworker’s spouse battling cancer; prayer for all the pax

Naked moleskin – had seen Mr. Bean’s name in some of the chatter this week on the Twitter channel – brought back memories of some of his best workouts that he lead. What I distinctly remember, I think more than once, was the BOMBS workout. Simple concept/elevated heart rate/sore muscles. Pretty good morning by for old gentlemen. Would love to see Mr Bean, as well as some of the other missing Pax come back to and/or more often in the gloom! Sometimes not the easiest or most practical decision to get up that early, but have never regretted it after the work was done! #accomplishment #brotherhood

Until next time…