F3 Greenwood

We’ll just get it out of the way now – the morning’s work relied heavily on the Slosh Sticks recently unearthed and, with that, ran the inherent risk of a lot of homoerotic phallic references from the 13-year-old-minded PAX in attendance. And it was awesome.


100 burpees OYO


2 PAX grab slosh sticks / set run pace to entrance of Hunter’s Creek

*those not holding sticks – 25 squats / 25 merkins / 50 abs

*those holding sticks – 25 slosh squats / 25 OH press / 25 slosh Imperial walkers

Someone else grabs sticks, mosey .25 mile – same work, different quantities. Rinse and repeat until we made it just past the well-manicured bush and headed back.

Prayer Requests – Goose, 2C, Quickie

Announcements – F3 Christmas brunch 12/12 @ 0900 @ Talon- bring food and family; men’s breakfast at the church or something from Tickle (he made the announcement after the time allotted for announcements so legally I didn’t have to listen).


-Sword fighting in the dark is dangerous business.

-Yes 100 burpees.

-Each man is entitled to however he wants to hold his stick and should not expect judgement.

-Some like the left hand, some like to sit on the left hand until it goes numb, and some like to use the left hand controlled by the right hand. There were a few epiphanies after this last one and we almost lost a few PAX for a test trial.

-Eyes were almost put out.

-BenGay feared his stick sprung a leak at one point

-The sticks were the same size but shadow-play, lighting, and camera angle are critical for exaggeration.



Respectfully yours,










