F3 Greenwood

I like Qing on Saturdays. Had to run a 10k that morning so I figured I may as well warm up. What better way to do so than with my fellow F3ers. Hadn’t done a 1550 in a bit, so I came up with one that was leg friendly. Bought one of those big trifold art things and some poster board to put the workout on so everyone could see it, however turned out it wasn’t needed due to the piss poor showing of PAX. Whatever. Work was done anyway.

Work went like this;

Run out for box jumps on the wall near football field, come back for 50 of an exercise. Decrease Box jumps by one each time.

15 box jumps – 50 merkins

14-pull overs

13-Sit ups

12-Incline merkins

11-tricep extensions

10-American hammers-count 1 side

9-decline merkins

8-kettlebell swings

7-Freddie Mercury’s-count one knee

6-chest presses


4-flutter kicks- count one leg

3-overhead presses


1-leg raises

The number was the box jumps. Exercise had a rep count of 50.

Thanks for being there Trav.

Set a new PR on the 10k.

Was gonna add a picture of the Weinke, but just imagine a trifold art stand for science fairs or whatever and the poster board in the middle with the workout on it.

Till next time,
