F3 Greenwood

Conditions: humid but breezy

Disclaimer: given

I came in hot and the pax were ready.  I thought I was at the wrong AO because Polly and Judge Hairy were there! Loved having those guys!

I was especially excited about the warm-up because it was going to be an all you got until the music stopped. I played a song by Colt Ford that talked about white liquor. I don’t always like the words of songs, but the beat got us going! I called out random exercises for the 3:52 minutes the song played. We then partnered up and mosey to grab one coupon per group.

The Thang:

Bottom of concrete monster partner work:

100 goblet squats
100 jungle boys
100 monkey humpers
*partner runs to top and does 10 merkins

Mosey to patio area with benches:
25 curls and 25 dips x 5 Rounds with partners alternating

Mosey around to in front of school with benches:
7 burpee box jumps x 4 Rounds
*partner does shoulder presses one round, then chest presses



Prayer Requests:

Pacer’s friend’s mother has cancer

Challenge: find one person to reach out to, in order to help encourage them.


I am sure I left someone off the list…sorry!

Always great to hear Polly’s mumblechatter

I only played 1 country rap song and then it was 80’s rock

All pax pushed their limits

Blu always amazes me!
