I thought it was gonna be nasty this morning but it wasn’t. Thank the Lord. I rolled up at 5:08 and found Tootsie staying warm in the truck. Been missing him, so it was nice to see him stand by his HC, in spite of hurting. Others have struggled with that. Posting to work your tail off when the bed says stay, takes a mentally disciplined man. I don’t always fit that bill (along with some other not injured but just down right lazy dudes) but was glad to see Tootsie did!
Weather nice, no rain, so nice.
Disclaimer given
5 Burpees OYO
This is where things went downhill, fast. I asked each pax to grab TWO coupons each and meet at the goalline. Problem: there are NO coupons. I understand Boy George is on the hunt and may be able to help us resolve this issue. We must have coupons.
So, the audible is called. Partner up for
300 Merkins
300 BBSU
300 Air Squats
Swapping between running sideline to sideline. Cumulative counting.
When this was complete we moseyed to the benches in front of the school, still partnered up.
100 DIPS
100 Merkins
Pax swapping back and forth after every set of 10. Each pax completed 100 each, 200 reps total. Each.
Time is up
Circle around Flag
- When we went over to the benches a parent was dropping off her kid. I had just finished up first set of DIPS and he sat down right in my spot. Of course, I just adjusted my station. He looked startled, at first. I told him he was safe. Was wondering if I should EH him but…nah. Kids these days can’t hang with us old guys.
- I will admit, YHC got a little Drill Sargeanty with 2C while at the benches. It did get a little uncomfortable, my fault. I apologized afterwards.
- Meter admitted, due to his dedicated Marathon training, he has lost some muscle mass. But he continues to push himself and use the most proper form of any pax out there, period. He will gain the mass back soon enough, since he’s committed to not being “one of the lazies”
- If anyone is interested in Hybrid shoes…see Sugar. His will run on grass as well as concrete
- Unplugged was there. I saw him. He worked his tail off too. He told me his son, aka Bill Dance, has another tourney this weekend. Probably going to bring in another big $ check. He’s that good.
- Pothole, Belding, Mac, Tootsie, have all had their struggles physically and are refusing to become fartsackers. Thats admirable. That’s the way it should be. Adjust your workout if you have to. There is NO SHAME in doing that. Just keep posting. If you’re injured, i understand, if you’re just hurting, that will go away but you have to keep working. And encourage your fellow brother to keep posting. EH, across the board. It works.
- Some one, please find the blocks!