F3 Greenwood

6 Pax found their way to the Shipyard, despite some blockades that diverted us to the student parking lot. 5 on time and one showed up fashionably late, in fancy clothes none the less. More on that later.

Conditions: If you haven’t been outside at 5:15 to see what the conditions are like, then shame on you.

Disclaimer: Given

Mosey across the campus to the coupon pile, procure a coupon, and head to the bottom of the concrete monster.


Cut the Grass x15 IC
Merkins x10 IC
Navy Seals x5 OYO (Done so that I could demonstrate for those who have not attended one of my recent Q’s, which hasn’t really been all that recent)
Little Baby Arm Circles… NOPE!!! I refuse to call these even if I’m Qing at the Shipyard or Epicenter.

The Work:

10 – V-Ups
20 – Leg Raises
30 – Big Boy Sit-ups
40 – American Hammers (Count 1 side)
50 – LBCs
Run up the Concrete Monster and do 5 Navy Seals
Rinse and Repeat (Early finishers can start a 3rd round)

10 – Kettle-bell Swings
20 – Tricep Extensions
30 – Overhead Presses
40 – Alpos
50 – Curls
Run up the Concrete Monster and do 5 Navy Seals
Rinse and Repeat (Early finishers can start a 3rd round)

Recover, return the coupons, and mosey back to the Shovel Flag.

* Saturday is at the Shipyard at 0600

Prayer Request:
* Kenny G is leaving for a mission trip soon

* I pass by the Shipyard on a daily basis and I’ve noticed for several days not the gates to the usual parking lot have been closed. So I decided to get there a little early to make sure the other Pax could find their way to the alternative lot. And of course the gates were still closed so I parked in the Student section. Duggar, was puzzled by the relocation and asked “what are we doing over here” as he stepped out of his wife’s vehicle. Which has a squirrel on the side of it holding some red… berries. He probably thought I was up to something.
* Kenny G came strolling down the Concrete Monster around 5:30. I’m going to say it was because of the parking lot change up, but we really think it was because there was a long line at David Lindsey-Clothier this morning. Because the fancy shorts he was wearing had to come from there. If he keeps this up, he may win the “Best Dressed” brick at this year’s Christmas Party. But as I routinely say, “It’s better to be late than never”. Right Jon Boat…
* Everyone one put in a solid effort this morning despite the horrible humidity.
* Mumble chatter was at a minimum despite 2C’s best efforts.
* Crowd was lite across all of F3 Greenwood this morning. If you have a good excuse, just remember, it’s still an excuse. Get out there and get better.

Until the next Q,
The Meter is paid in full…