F3 Greenwood

Due to a recovering ankle injury and the requirements of this weeks IronPax challenge (lunges and sprints specifically), YHC requested to swap Q’s with Duggar this morning.  He obliged and YHC took on the task of coming up with something challenging for the pax who may not be participating in the IronPax.  There were a couple of HC’s last night via text and one more this morning when YHC checked twitter.  In the end, 4 pax joined YHC at 0515 to get some work in.

Conditions: 69° w/ 97% humidity

Disclaimer: Given at the start

30(ish) SSH – IC

Run to the benches in front of the school
20 step-ups (count one leg)
20 dips

Run to the student parking lot
Suicides w/ 10 merkins at the curbline after each pass
10 squats at the first light pole
20 squats at the second light pole
30 squats at the third light pole
40 squats at the fourth light pole

Run to the back patio
2 rounds
10 burpees
10 decline merkins

Run to the bottom of the concrete monster
Backpedal up the CM
At the top:
10 Burpees
20 American Hammers
30 Flutter kicks (count one leg)
40 LBC’s
50 Calf Raises on the steps

Mosey to the goal line of the practice field
Work down the field, doing work every 10 yards
Alternate 10 Big Boy Situps, 10 Merkins

There’s a few minutes left so mosey back to the parking lot for pax choice
Pothole – 25 Monkey Humpers
Pusher – 15 Diamond Merkins
Meatloaf – 25(I think) LBC’s
Nomad – 10(I think) Pole Vault Leg Raises (gonna have to remember this one)

Countorama: 5
Announcements: Q’s are needed across all AO’s, Starbucks run tomorrow morning
Prayer Requests: Pusher’s wife, Pothole’s grandmother and family, Ethan Long



  • Solid work by a good group of solid guys this morning.  We’d all like to see larger numbers across the region but many times a smaller number at a workout is a good thing.  IMO, this was one of those mornings.  Every one of these guys worked hard and got better.  I can’t speak for everyone else, but it was one of those mornings where you worked your tail off and left the AO thinking, “That’s a good way to start the day”.
  • It was good to see Nomad make it back out this morning after being an FNG last week.  Keep posting and you will get better.