F3 Greenwood


Last night Uncle Jesse asked if I could be ready to cover his Q for him, because he had a friend who has cancer and is in bad shape. He wasn’t sure he would make it through the night. Of course I said I could, because that’s what we do.

I came up with a simple workout that didn’t involve a lot of imagination, but 9 Pax would find out that unimaginative doesn’t mean easy.

Conditions: warm and a little on the humid side

Disclaimer: given

Side Straddle Hope x20 IC
Cut the Grass x20 IC
Merkins x20 on my call
Slow Squats x20 IC

Double Dora:

100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBC’s
While partner 1 works, partner 2 runs a lap around the parking lot. Swap out until all the work is done.

100 Burpees
200 Lunge Steps
300 Flutter Kicks
While partner 1 works partner 2 holds plank during Burpees, holds People’s Chair during Lunge Steps, holds 6 inches during Flutter Kicks.


Count-o-rama: 9

* 2nd F at Fusion today
* Book study starts back Friday at Starbucks
* Saturday’s workout is at Fury at 6:00
* 2.0 workout this Saturday at Fury at 8:00 with CFA to follow

Prayer Request:
* Rocky
* Special K’s daughter goes tomorrow to schedule surgery
* Uncle Jesse’s friend
* Lexington’s F3 Cheech, who was hit by a car while running yesterday. At the end of the workout we had not heard, but he passed away. Pray for the family!

I took this time to point out that he had done everything right while running. He wore a headlamp, a reflective vest, and blinking lights. End the end as runners we must always be aware of what’s around us and what’s coming at us. Even if you think the vehicle sees you if it’s in the outside lane move out of the road. Either onto the sidewalk or shoulder. Never assume they will give you room. Special K pointed out that even if you have the right of way, be sure the vehicle is giving it to you before crossing it’s path. This is a horrible situation and we pray that it doesn’t happen again. It’s up to us to do everything we can to be safe. Also when running with someone else always communicate with them when you see a danger. Don’t assume they see it too.

* I usually rack my brain trying to come up with something different but effective when I have the Q, but even though it was on the fly I think the workout delivered.
* I like partner work because it pushes you to work hard for your partner. The last thing you want to do is slack off while your partner is working. I didn’t see anyone hanging their partner out today. Solid work was done by all.
* Tclaps to Special K who is posting despite an injured hammy. He worked solo today, but that didn’t slow him down any.
* Tclaps to Blueprint, Uncle Buck, and Sunshine for hitting the double down.

As always…
Until the next Q
The Meter is paid up