F3 Greenwood

This morning 17 PAX gathered at Shipyard to do a little Thursday morning work. The weather was perfect, the stars were out, and the PAX were nearly silent. Mumble chatter was nonexistent as YHC’s Guns N Roses Pandora channel took a nosedive from Sweet Child O Mine into a progression of Def Leppard love songs and ballads followed by acoustic Led Zeppelin. Despite the strangeness of the playlist, we all pounded out 1100 reps.

Here’s the recap:


Side straddle hops x 20

Imperial walker x 20

Cut the grass x 20

Windmill x15

The Thang

10 burpees

20 merkins

30 overhead presses w/ coupon

40 triceps extensions w/ copuon

50 coupon curls

60 coupon squats

70 monkey humpers

80 flutterkicks

90 American hammers

100 LBCs

Repeat each exercise back down to the 10 burpees.

Mosey around the perimeter of the field until time expires.


Baby Blu offered to Q a “rogue Red Friday” if anyone is interested. Other than that, read the newsletter.

YHC closed w/ Prayer