F3 Greenwood

10 pax post for some Terrapin Races at the Yard.

When YHC pulled into the parking lot it was barely after 0500. The parking lot was full. I believe only one or two pulled in after me. The men all fumbling out of their vehicles welcoming the temperate morning and their comrades. Today these 9 would test themselves and each other.

Conditions: 50F and clear skies

Disclaimer: Given at the 1 minute warning. Along with an explanation about modifying when necessary. This is also where we broke up into groups. I split the group down the middle 5 & 5, after the dust settled there was some speculation as to their evenness. So Shaggy and Algae were appointed as Team Captains and while moseying to the bottom of the concrete monster picked teams.

COP – Sent two pax to go get one coupon each.
Mtn Climbers x30IC
Flutter Kicks x30IC
Lunges x30IC

YHC had shorten the SSH’s after going to one armed movements on the 2nd rep. The shoulder was injured from last week.

On the football field goal line the two teams were spread in front of each other. One team on the goal line, the other on the 10 yd line.

It Pays to Be a Winner!

Race 1
Each pax perform 10 Burpees flapjack with the next. While waiting for Burpees, perform 10 squats per each teammate (x40). The first team to finish the Burpees wins.
Winners: 50 LBC’s
Losers: 100 LBC’s

Race 2
Lined up the same as race 1, each pax must perform 50 bench presses and then sprint to the sideline and back. Only 1 team member can be running at the same time. While waiting for presses, perform 10 squats per each teammate (x40). The first team to have all 5 members finished running back to the coupons wins.
Winners: 25 LBC’s
Losers: 50 LBC’s

Race 3
Complete 5 rds of Race 1.
W: 25 LBC’s
L: 50LBC’s

Race 4
Line up 1 pax on the goal line. The next pax was posted at the 20, the next at the 40, the last two pax were at the opposite 40. Pax 1 sprints to the 20, then next pax sprints to the 40, the next pax sprints to the opposite 40, this pax sprints to the goal line and back to the 40. The last pax sprints from the 40 the 60 yds back to the goal line. Several races of these were ran to acquaint the teams with how best to stage their team for maximum effectiveness. Then we raced for pay outs.
W: 25 LBC’s
L: 50 LBC’s

Recover and muster at the shovel flag! (The flag was standing where Pusher planted it in front of the Gym.)

Two hurried to return the coupons and join the group.

Line up the two teams in front of each other.

Merkin Races
All pax in the leaning rest position. One by one each pax performs 10 merkins. The first team finished wins. The next race was Hand Release merkins. (This is the point where Baby Blu started showing out and doing hand release at the tops and bottoms.)
W: 25 LBC’s
L: 50 LBC’s

Naked Man Moleskin
Looking around the COT, there were 4 men in their 50’s! WOW! That is truly remarkable. 5 more others were in their 40’s. Today is what F3 is all about. The guys were all giving each other encouragement and barking at the other team. Shaggy and T Rav gave it everything they had and then some. Pusher’s Burpees were like hummingbird wings.

Prayer Requests

This morning was one of the best mornings I’ve had ever in the gloom. I’m so glad that each of you decided to post. Thanks for the fun. See ya in the gloom.

JKS – Alpo