8 PAX showed up today on a cold New Year’s Eve Eve. Last official workout day for F3 Greenwood in 2017 so I would like to reflect a bit on the year that has come and gone:
- Several quality new pax have joined us. Southern Belle, Bean-o, Mary Ann, Ben Gay, Hulk come to mind but I am sure there are many others.
- We’ve lost some consistent folks that I would like to see come back more often. Coffin, Jugger, Roundup, Seat Down, Half Stitch and Banjo are a few.
- F3 Greenwood had a Crud epidemic sweep through during November and December. There were also a lot of other excuses for not showing up.
- The Meathead Society was born.
- The Ruckers crew was born. More to come on that I am sure as folks give it a shot.
- Folks competed in 5ks, half marathons, marathons, BRR, Mud Run, and an impressive number of PAX completed their first Spartan race. Well done.
- Koby ran a stupid number of miles.
- Meatloaf rode his Debo bike to and fro workouts.
- Pusher mastered twitter.
- Blu continued to defy nature. He is the example gentlemen.
All in all a good year, but let’s make 2018 great. I want to see more of you more often, striving to make gains that may have seemed once impossible. It can be done, but not without hard work and sacrifice.
The Thang
“Fat Angie Sandwich” – (Slightly modified to include additional work)
Each PAX grabs coupon and line up at bottom of concrete monster
25 Burpees
100 Block Curls
Burpee Broad Jump up the monster (~50 yards)
100 Merkins
Bear Crawl down the monster (~50 yards)
100 Bonnie Blairs (count each leg)
Burpee Broad Jump up the monster (~50 yards)
100 Big Boy Sit-Ups
Bear Crawl down the monster (~50 yards)
100 chest presses
25 Burpees
Anyone who finishes early can work on the following (repeat until time is called):
25 KB Swings or Bent Rows
25 OH presses
25 Monkey Humpers
25 Pickle Pounders
Mosey to Track
Loredo – AMRAP
400 M Run
24 Squats
24 Merkins
24 Walking Lunge Steps
- Great work by all.
- Pusher left early. Evidently he had to go get ready for breakfast?
- Flossy was back at BC and performed well. I miss having the original Nantan around and imagine others feel the same. We are better with you there Flossy!
- Happy New Year!