Conditions – perfectly cool and 60 degrees to start, hot and muggy and 60 degrees to finish
Disclaimer given
SSH x 15
Cut the grass x 15
LBAC forward and backward x 15
The thang:
Being simple-minded and generally not good at preparing, YHC decided that something simple, yet challenging, would be the best option for the work today. Decided on the ‘ole spoke and wheel, remembering one of the last times being done by none other than Mr. Bean, though he did it in reverse. Made a modification or two, just to make sure it would be balanced, and still a good challenge worthy of the quality of pax that have made the Shipyard their regular home.
Start in the center, where the work will always be 10 burpees, run to each spoke, return to center to work and run to next spoke, etc.
First time around, reps of 100, decreasing by 25 with each complete circuit:
Spoke 1 – Over-head claps (YHC warned of the simple-perception that becomes deceptively difficult with high reps)
Spoke 2 – Big-boy sit-ups
Spoke 3 – Squats
Spoke 4 – Curls with coupons
As usual, Special K took the lead and remained there for the entire workout. Considered offering a reward for catching the beast but hypoxia decreased creativity and the pax were too spread out by that time. I think he may have completed 75 and even maybe started on 50 rep circuit before time was called. The rest of the pax fell right behind the leader in nice succession. YHC “decided” to lead from behind, especially as the BBSUs and squats made it harder and harder to run back to center and perform even a semblance of a burpee. Really just wanted more quality time with Second Chance – yea, that’s it.
Calling time, YHC gathered the crowd in the center for a small bit of Mary, trying to get a couple of newbies to call out some exercises, but minds seemed to be blank in that moment of stress and a couple of vets called out the last two rounds, with T-Rav hitting an old fav with 20 Imperial Walkers, then Special K, apparently still feeling he had something to prove after whipping us all, called out 25 Merkins.
Finally COT was had, announced reminder of 2nd F opportunity at JM’s today and Fusion on Thursdays. Everything else mostly on Twitter and the F3 Greenwood site.
Encouraged everyone to step up to Q – co-Q if needed.
Prayer requests for Otis, Juggs’ M.
In the end, finally thanking God for the ability to get up, get out, work out bodies and give of ourselves to our brothers and our community. We are so blessed in so many ways, yet it is so easy to forget.
YHC personally thanks God for the brothers in Christ He has given me, and for the opportunity to get out and work alongside some of the best this town has to offer.
Tickle out