F3 Greenwood

15 pax rose up out of their Fartsacks on a cool December morning to be greeted by a Snow Bunny VQ at the Shipyard. Snow Bunny is the youngest Q by far to lead F3 Greenwood so it would be interesting to see what the future Citadel Cadet would throw at the pax. Snow Bunny would not disappoint!




5 burpies OYO

15 Windmills

Enough playing around lets get to the pain!

Main Thang

Mosey to the Track and let the fun begin!

Station 1

10-Man Makers

20-Block Curls

30-Kettlebell Swings

Take a lap around the track, pick up your coupon and go to next station

Station 2

10-Big Boy Sit-ups


30-Flutter Kicks

Take a lap around the track, pick up your coupon and go to next station

Station 3

10-Lunges(single count)

20-Block Squats

30-Monkey Humpers

Take a lap around the track, pick up your coupon and go to next station

Station 4




Take a lap around the track, pick up your coupon go to next station

Repeat as time allows


Counterama, Namerama, Prayer

Prayer Requests

Leaner for his Father who is battling lung cancer

Friar Tuck

Juggernaut’s M undergoing chemotherapy

Nice work put in by the pax at the Shipyard! Snow Bunny threw down an excellent VQ pushing all the pax to get better and working the whole body! #tclaps to Snow Bunny stepping up to lead the pax despite his young age. Leaders lead no matter how old or young they are…..Snow Bunny is well on his way. #Mumblechatter was at a minimum due to the work being done but the pax pushed each other. Iron sharpens Iron was truly on display. The Shipyard now has 3 options on coupons…for some reason Capri chose the #bigboy variety as his carry along. YHC could not let him go it alone so I grabbed one too. Wow is probably enough of a description. Grab one sometime and push yourself harder and fight through the pain. #tclaps to Round Up for fighting through the nightmares of his first post also on the track…..no merlot spotted this time. Well done by all…..continue to push yourself and each other! We get better together! Respectfully submitted for Snow Bunny……Aye!