YHC promised a simple and easy work with only 6 exercises and 1200 reps. Said workout was delivered as promised but maybe this wasn’t easy.
Conditions were muggy and wet
Mosey to the coupons and choose wisely and get one with handles
Form a line on the goal line
No warm-up lets just get to the Double Dora.
100 Al Gore/Front Presses
Bear Crawl ~30 yards
100 Big Boy Sit-ups
Bear Crawl ~30 yards
200 Curls
Bear Crawl ~30 yards
200 LBC
Bear Crawl ~30 yards
300 Chest Presses
Bear Crawl ~30 yards (This is where it got nasty, tough bear crawl after 300 chest presses, even the beast Blu was struggling a little)
300 Heel Taps (The beast Blu was the only finisher here)
Recover and return the blocks to the pile and circle up in the parking lot
Countorama 11 PAX
Meatloaf’s Book Club Friday 6:20ish at Starbucks
YHC closed in prayer
No talking today other then continuous questions about the # of reps
Great to have LockBox visiting from Lake Murry
Great effort put in by all today, Southern Belle name it #UpperBodyBlaster
Meatloaf Out