F3 Greenwood

Temperature: muggy 60-something degrees, not bad for mid-late January

Weather: muggy and wet from rain but all was done by the time we started

Disclaimer given, started right on time


SSH x 20 IC

Merkins x 20 IC

Slow Squat x 20 IC

Merkins x 15 IC

Imperial Walkers x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

Leg Raises x 20 IC

Merkins x 5 IC with a little slowdown at the end for PAX’s pleasure

Burpees x 10 OYO


The Thang:

Start with 3 decline Merkins, run to second light in parking lot and 10 V-ups. Increase Merkins while V-ups decrease, always totaling 13. Halt on achieving 10 Merkins and 3 V-ups.

Mosey to benches for 3 rounds of 20 dips and 20 reverse crunches.

Mosey back to parking lot curb for repeat of first but this time 3 incline Merkins and 10 Bonnie Blairs.

Back to benches for rinse and repeat 3 rounds of 20 dips and 20 reverse crunches.

Back to curb for final round of exercise-run-exercise: 1 clock Merkin and 20 LBCs – don’t increase Merkins but decrease LBCs by one each trip.





Announcements: Jersey Mikes today for 2ndF, still looking for a couple of P200 participants to make the 12-man team whole, announced Polly’s retirement as AOQ of the Epicenter with BenGay taking the reigns, Run Your Ice Off and a Lander fun run coming up in next few weeks.

Prayer requests: 2C, 8 Mile, Mr. Bean’s parents, Laura Sears (sp), Sugar’s SIL


YHC had no idea what we were going to do as the Nantan had official business at “that other” AO and thus dropped the Q on me. Had been a while since YHC had Q’d so I was happy to do it in this legislative time of need. As I was thinking what the heck are we gonna do…Piddler texted YHC and requested a light leg day (something about running some 10 miles and more in the last day or two), so that set the pace for my thoughts – save the legs but make the rest suffer! So YHC tried hard to punish the PAX with lots and lots of Merkins. Try as I might, the PAX would not give in or give up. Good work boys. YHC then basically blamed Piddler for everything in the workout, which was highly amusing.

The PAX did great as usual, and it was a good combination of stable persistent regulars Special K and Bean-O, wanna be regular T-Rav (come out a little more often) and newly resurrected regular Chubbs. Piddler is the social butterfly of the group and truth be told mine was the 2nd (or 3rd?) choice of AO, but he is always on the guest list as a VIP. We did miss Boo, who had HC’d, but apparently “tweaked his groin”, playing “basketball”…smells mighty fishy all the way around. I am sure we’ll see him Thursday, else he’ll be highly tortured on the TwitterSphere.

YHC had some final thoughts. Life is hard. We make mistakes daily, some minor, some potentially deadly. We all have problems. Some of us have addictions, some of us have failing or failed relationships, some of us have wayward children, the list goes on. No one is immune. If you’re not in a storm currently, you either just got out of one or one is headed your way. To survive in this life, to succeed in this life, we need two things. First and foremost we need a God who saves. We are all sinners, all in need of a Savior, all facing judgement. That judgement can fall on Jesus on your behalf, or it can fall squarely on your own shoulders, which you cannot sustain. We need a Savior who can, and will, take that wrath for us. Second thing we all need as struggling, sinful men, is other godly men to live our lives with. We need to share, to laugh, to cry with other men in whom we trust and who will support and be there for us. F3 can definitely be this group, and I encourage all PAX to engage in 2nd F opportunities, but if F3 doesn’t fill that need, find a group that can. Small groups at church is a great place to start. YHC is in an outstanding men-only group at NSBC and we’d love to take any and all men who need to make that connection, just get with me if you’re interested. Just get connected one way or the other.

Tickle out