18 Pax stormed the sandy shores of the Shipyard to knockout a quick set of super 21 and a set of super 40.
Conditions: Let’s just leave it at Humid…
Disclaimer: Given in the parking lot. Checked to see if Judge Judy was in attendance because ab work was on the schedule and YHC didn’t want him to pull another leg muscle. Unfortunately he’s still in recovery mode.
Grab a coupon and circle up.
Mountain Climbers 20 IC
Overhead Press 20 Up/Down Call
Incline Merkins 20 Down/Up Call
Slow Squats 20 IC
Partner Up for Encouragement and Accountability
Super 21
Start with 1 rep for each exercise and work your way up to 21
Shovel Flag = WWI Sit Ups
Run up the steps to the bottom of the Concrete Monster
Concrete Monster = Merkins
Super 40
Both Exercises = 40 total reps
Start w/ 30 of one & 10 of the other
Decrease by 5 on one exercise
Increase by 5 on other exercise
The usuals
Prayer Requests:
* Meatloaf’s & Capri’s M’s leaving today for mission trips.
* Round Up and other Pax travel safety
* Baby Blu’s youngest 2.0 is going to Romania
* Shaggy is going with a group of youth to Daytona
Shared some words about the importance of leaning on each other, reaching out when you need to, and being there for someone when needed.
* Shaggy is getting better. Evidenced by no merlot. (Or YHC’s Q was too soft. YHC believes he’s getting better.
* It appears Emerald High has top dressed the field with sand. Bring an extra shirt for Howard’s. Hmm… this probably should have been announced last night.
* #Tclaps to Special K (YHC’s accountability partner) for pushing YHC today. He set a strong pace!
* Saw many Pax pushing themselves. It’s encouraging to others to see someone push their limits!
As always it’s an honor…
Until the next Q
Meter Maid is out