What a way to start the day.
Conditions: 65 with a slight breeze
Disclaimer: given
Grab 2 bricks (bricks can only be carried in one hand between stations) and mosey to the Flag Pole at the front of the school.
All In Cadence
20 SSH
20 LBACs
10 SSH
10 LBACs
Mosey to the Marching Band Practice Lot.
10 minutes with M.o.M (minute on minute —
1) Tuck Jumps
2) Smurf Jacks
3) Plank Rows
4) American Hammers w/ Bricks
5) LBACs with bricks
6) Elevated Merkins (on the bricks)
7) SSH
8) Wide stance Mtn Climbers
9) Flutter Kicks
10) Tuck Jump Burpees
Mosey to the Wall
3 minute Wall Sit
10 Butt Slappers
Mosey to the Concrete Pad at the back of the School.
7 min AMRAP
20 Split Leg Squats (10 each leg)
20 Tricep Extensions
20 Nut Crackers
Mosey to the bottom of the Concrete Monster
3 Rounds
Sprint to the top of the Concrete Monster then mosey back between each of the following:
20 V-up
40 Monkey Humpers
60 Freddy Mercurys
Drop the bricks off at the back of my car and finish up the last 2 minutes with a PLANK.
Count: 4
Name: Special K, Booo!, Tickle, Kobayashi
Pusher gets respect. Be sure to attend Pusher’s surprise 50th Bday Party. He’s been working hard at planning out all the details. He’s sure to be surprised.
2nd F at Fusion
Saturday bootcamp is at the Shipyard this week.
Prayer Requests:
Jackson and Campbell families
Both Special K’s dad and Kobayashi’s grandmother are having surgery for heart.
BOM: prayed it out.
Special K was like a guy on Family Feud who was first to hit the buzzer and the brain shuts down. Really, V-up? That’s the first exercise that comes to mind at the bottom of the Concrete Monster?
You’re welcome! In response to “Thanks for doubling the number of Monkey Humpers we’ve got to do.”
I gave the devotional during the 3 min wall sit to help take the minds off the extended bout of sitting. Devotion was reused from the Epicenter.
It seems Bo-Berry biscuits are what it takes to get the numbers up at an AO. 10 at Epi and 4 or fewer everywhere else.
I really like max effort exercises. The 10 min HIIT workout was brutal and really set the pace for the rest of the workout. 45 seconds of “All You Got” is a LONG time. 15 seconds of rest goes by in the blink of an eye.
Great work men!
Until next time…