F3 Greenwood

It’s been a while since YHC q’ed at Epicenter and I have to say, I was a little excited….

…I decided I wanted everyone to stay together and we were gonna put some distance in together and work hard in the process

Disclaimer was issued (we are all here voluntarily)

The morning began with a variation of the usual warmup….LBAC (forwards and Holdemup!!! backwards), grasscutters, imperial walkers, and side straddle hops….all in cadence, 20 counts each

From the warmup, we moseyed to the coupon cage, retrieved 1 afore mentioned coupon each and recircled outside afore mentioned coupon cage…

….where we proceeded with curls, bent over rows, triceps extensions and squat overhead thrusters…all OYO, all 20 counts each…

Pick up them there koopins and mosey back to the flag…plank for the 6

Recircled at the flag and complete with our 6, we proceeded to side straddle hops(sans the koopins) curls w the koopins and kettle bell swings ( sans the kettle bells but with the koopins) all 20 count oyo except the side straddle hops….c’mon! They’re always in cadence!!! ….pick UP those KOOPINS!!!! and mosey to the asphalt path intersection

Here we did a few “Tony Horton” ab moves…I’ll spare you the details but there was bitching…

We moseyed from abs, with koopins in hand to the top of the hill…  At the top we did 5 manmakers, ran to bottom of the grass hill, did 5 burpees, bear crawl back to the top, rinse and repeat until 20 manmakers/burpees were completed….

PICK UP THOSE….omg, you know the drill…

Take the path to the gazebo…or Pavillion if you’re Coldfeet or from MB, but whatever….here we did stepups from concrete to bench x 10 then 5 curls with the ??? anybody???? YES!!! That’s right!!!, koopins!!! until there were 20 curls completed…

MOSEY to the far corner behind the armory and do , 20, what I like to call reverse squat thruster…we’d have to show ya…MOSEY!!! To the koopin cage, put up the koopin( here’s where things got all ….eng/lit??? when Polly mentioned Catcher in the Rye, I missed the reference but was impressed that I remembered Holden Caufield after all these years) anyway, I digress……jail break to the most amazing and beautiful 3×5  piece of cloth on the planet ( if you disagree, I don’t want to hear it)….and thus ends the workout.

We circled up, explained a few things briefly for our FNG ( Charles Falls) who will now be henceforth called Garfunkel (he’s a Marine/Musician…Patsy was not very Marine worthy and I, as the Q ,nixed that before it got outta hand)

we counted, we named, we announced ( there were a couple(dads/2.0 campout, schedule changes, etc etc) and prayer requested…they are as follows…

Smokey and family as for the loss of his father ( you’re in our thoughts Smoke) and Bojangles and family as for the loss of their youngest?? 2.0….please keep these folks in your prayers…


i have been a part of F3 now for over a year…there have been ups and downs, both literally and figuratively, there have been arguments, there have been more missed wo’s than I care to count, there have been sore days and some down right painful days but there also have been some really good days that, for whatever reason, standout and keep me coming back out for more punishment and more time spent with the brothers I never had….today was one of those days…I am both humbled and proud to be a part of F3, especially in TheWood…