Some may look at me and think it’s easy for me to post all the time or easy for me to go on pre boot camp runs or easy for me to run XL on run days or that I never think of fartsacking. If you think any of that you would be wrong! There have been many many mornings I did not want to get up or once I did I thought about going back to sleep or even when I’m out on a run cutting it short and heading back early. This was one of those mornings. I did not want to get up this morning and once I was up and at the AO I did not want to do a pre run or do the workout I had planned. But I did what I’ve done numerous times I sucked it up and got out in the gloom and got after it, forced myself to push through what I didn’t want to do and do it anyway.
So YHC arrived to the AO early as usual for some quick prep work and a 2 mile pre run. Had an issue with my left hip as soon as I started running and wanted to quit but wouldn’t and the 2 mile run sorted out the hip pain and got the blood flowing. When YHC gets this blood flowing be careful fist bumping me just as Spud.
Anyway T-Rav was early as usual, well except Tuesday when he had the flag and was supposed to post with said flag. But he’s here today and get old glory planted and PAX start arriving. Conditions were great, not to hot and not to cool, perfect as usual for getting better.
I have this thing I do when I Q and it just kind of naturally happens, I like to think of it like Stalone turning his hat around backwards in Over the Top. I get in this we about to get after it model and I go as hard as I can through the workout. Sometimes this is too the detriment of the PAX and I apologize, sorta. So once I’m done stretching and greet everyone I “turn the hat around”, give the disclaimer and we barely stop for the next 45 minutes. We might not do 100 reps straight but we won’t take a breath as we roll form one exercise to another. At one point I used the line “let’s do 30 Curls while we catch our breath” to which Special K responds “that’s an odd way to catch our breath.”
Mosey to the coupons, grab one and circle up.
All exercises today were done OYO
5 Burpees
5 Burpees
15 Pullovers
5 Burpees
15 Pullovers
30 Overhead Press
5 Burpees
15 Pullovers
30 Overhead Press
15 Front Press
It was around this point YHC noted there was no mumblechatter, not unusual for my Q’s but wanted to encourage the PAX to speak freely. YHC would later regret this….
5 Burpees
15 Pullovers
30 Overhead Press
15 Front Press
5 Burpees
15 Pullovers
30 Overhead Press
15 Front Press
Mosey to Concrete Monster line up at bottom
Suicide Up Concrete Monster (touching the line at all 3 cones and at the start)
Suicide Up Concrete Monster
30 Curls
It was at this point Pusher starts singing, TRav starts talking about showing off is guns, then we take a turn for the worst. TRav wants to show off his legs with his short shorts and Spud notes the only thing you show with those is your nuts, to which TRav comments he’s going to let them hang out. We are all forever scared from this point forward.
Suicide Up Concrete Monster
30 Curls
20 Squats
Suicide Up Concrete Monster
30 Curls
20 Squats
15 Alpos
Suicide Up Concrete Monster
30 Curls
20 Squats
TRav mentions he can’s squat very low because it drags the ground.
15 Alpos
Suicide Up Concrete Monster
30 Curls
20 Squats
15 Alpos
Mosey to the New Field
One the mosey over Spud notes he almost stepped on what Trav was dragging, PAX were delirious at this point.
5 Manmakers
5 Manmakers
50 Chest Press
5 Manmakers
50 Chest Press
30 Yard Bear Crawl
YHC noted to tell Bean, Blu and Sugar good job for choosing the harder thing today and posting at Fury instead of my easy Q. Pusher thought that was my closing speech and was let down as we had more work to do and quipped “hopefully that wasn’t your half time speech” No worries Pusher the end is near.
Also of note here YHC was looking for the 6 to call recover as everyone was planking for their brother and Spud comes running from out on the field somewhere???? We were going to the 15 and back and he was at the 50??
5 Manmakers
50 Chest Press
30 Yard Bear Crawl
35 Bent Rows
Mosey and return your block and meet that the flag in the parking lot.
Countorama 9 PAX
YHC mentioned Duggars post and how I usually say encourage the PAX to insure we are not just putting in work in the gloom but even more at home. Doesn’t matter how hard we go in the gloom if we are not putting forth even more effort at home.
Announces and Prayer Request
YHC closed in prayer