F3 Greenwood

I thought we were going to be a threesome this morning and then Pusher comes in on two wheels at 5:15.  Here is how it went down.


5 Man Makers OYO

10 Alpos OYO

10 Kettle Bell Swings OYO

10 OH Presses OYO

5 Man Makers OYO

15 Alpos OYO

15 Kettle Bell Swings OYO

15 OH presses OYO

5 Man Makers OYO

20 Alpos OYO

20 Kettle Bell Swings OYO

20 OH Presses OYO


Main Thang

Partner up for some accountability work. Line up with partner.

Round 1               Responsible to do 100 OH presses, 200 Flutter Kicks, 300 Bench Press

Pax 1 does work while Pax 2 does 10 merkins at the light pole, flip-flop until complete.

Round 2                Responsible to do 100 Kettle Bell Swings, 200 curls, 300 LBC’s

We finished up with some more man makers and so now we are men ready to tackle what life has for us.  Until next time, T-Rav is out.