F3 Greenwood

YHC thought the field was dry and we would be good for some ab work but as it turns out the field was still a little wet.  Well, we did the work and now am known for BB situps as we did our fair share of BB situps during this workout.  I like man makers and they showed up some in the beginning but never returned after that.

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5 Man Makers OYO

10 Alpos OYO

10 Kettle Bell Swings OYO

10 OH Presses OYO

5 Man Makers OYO

15 Alpos OYO

15 Kettle Bell Swings OYO

15 OH presses OYO


Main Thang

Partner up for some accountability work. Line up on the sideline with your partner.

Round 1               Responsible to do 100 OH presses, 200 Flutter Kicks, 300 Bench Press

Pax 1 does work while Pax 2 does 10 BB sit ups 30 yds down field then swap till complete

Round 2                 Responsible to do 100 Kettle Bell Swings, 200 curls, 300 LBC’s

Round 3                Responsible to do 100Tricep Extensions, 200 Side Bends, 300 American Hammers



Prayer Requests

I think all of us got wet doing that many BB situps and my abs were feeling it afterwards.  These men got better for it.  23 straight days and YHC can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I hope I can make it till April.  God is good for letting us be healthy for F3.  I am so thankful for his blessings and these young men that he has put in my life.  Until next time, T-Rav is out.