Great crowd attended YHCs Q today at the Shipyard. I consider the Ship to be my home AO. I attended the first workout at the Shipyard on August 18, 2015. But, enough about that, lets talk about the work that was done today at the shipyard. This was my first back to back Q, having Q’d at Terrapin yesterday, so I was feeling a little pressure to do something a little different. So, I decided take coupons to the concrete monster and put some work in. This is what happened:
The clock struck 5:15 and Uncle Jesse surprised me with his attendance, pulling in the parking lot at the last minute. More on that later.
Circle up for instructions. Pax are asked why the post? The obvious answer is for each other, to make each other better men. So, I challenged the pax to help the each other. Help each other make improvements in their exercise movements. Because IF the pax are doing the movements incorrectly, they aren’t getting maximum benefit, and could possibly be risking injury. After all, we are all here for each other.
We dismissed and grabbed a coupon and met at the bottom of the concrete monster. Amraps were on the menu, they were modified to incorporate partner work and 3 exercises.
AMRAP #1 15 minutes
Partner 1 performs 10 dips, 20 merkins and 30 curls, while partner 2 sprints up the monster and completes 5 burpees at the top. Partner 2 moseys down and switches with Partner 1. Note: The partner doing the work at the bottom cycles through the 3 exercises-if during a round he doesn’t complete the cycle- he can start back on the exercise he didn’t finish at the next round.
AMRAP#2 13 minutes
Partner 1 performs 10 Overhead presses, 20 Goblet squats, and 30 Bentover rows. Partner 2 runs backwards up the monster and does 10 V-ups.
AMRAP #3 12 minutes
Partner 1 performs 10 burpees, 20 tricep extensions, and 30 shoulder shrugs. Partner 2 bearcrawls 3/4 to top of monster and does 10 LBCs.
Time called. Some pax headed to COT, some headed to the real field for a Uncle Jesse Tsunami Q.
Count a roma
Name a roma
Announcements and prayer requests
Twitter conversation had a lot of HCs, SCs and FCs (whatever that is). YHC was gonna double down if UJ showed up for my Q. How often does UJ post when he is not the Q? Hmmm- Thought I was safe. The DD was brutal. I did play some BiG and RiCH for UJ for his appearance. It was good to see several boot campers that don’t post that often- such as Mr. Belding and PaperCut. MaryAnn has been showing up and showing out. All pax put in work and encouraged each other. A pleasure to lead this group of men. Until next time, BabyBlu out.