With the BRR looming large this upcoming weekend, YHC knew in order to stay in TheGloom this week, it would require stepping up to Q – just to make sure the legs didn’t take on too much damage. The plan was for a MerkinFest that also allowed for some AbWork – Sour would have been proud with the amount of show muscles we worked today – too bad he was probably at PF Changs instead of out with us. Maybe we will see him at the BagelRun tomorrow.
20 SSH
20 GrassCutter
20 IW
20 LBAC front
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
10 merkins
10 werkins
10 derkins
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
Mosey to benches in front of school
10 incline merkins
10 decline merkins
50 LBCs
10 decline merkins
10 incline merkins
50 LBCs
Mosey to student parking lot
Run forward to first pole
10 merkins, 10 werkins, 10 derkins
Back peddle to curb
10 merkins – hands on curb
Run forward to second pole
10 merkins, 10 werkins, 10 derkins
Back peddle to curb
10 merkins – left hand and foot on curb
Run forward to third pole
10 merkins, 10 werkins, 10 derkins
Back peddle to curb
10 merkins – feet on curb
Run forward to fourth pole
10 merkins, 10 werkins, 10 derkins
Back peddle to curb
10 merkins – right hand and foot on curb
Mosey to benches in front of school
10 incline merkins
10 decline merkins
50 LBCs
Mosey back to flag
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
10 full merkins
10 1/2 merkins (top)
10 1/2 merkins (bottom)
10 AirBorn merkins
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
30 count low plank
20 IC Whirly boys
30 count low plank
20 IC flutter kicks
30 count low plank