F3 Greenwood

YHC back on the Q today at the Shipyard.  Wasn’t sure what to expect in terms of numbers after having the Q Tuesday as well.  4 of us (YHC, Meatloaf, Sunshine, Ball Bag)decided to mosey over from Sunshine’s house for a little bit of Mr Ed (Extra Duty).  As we were making out way into the parking lot we didn’t see any cars, but two additional runners (meter and sugar) getting acquainted with Mr Ed as well.  6 would be a good number I thought, but then they started rolling in.  A few of us went down to get the work set up, Meatloaf gave the disclaimer and rallied the troops down the monster.  I looked up and there were 17 of us.  Impressive.  Now it was time to eat, and I was hoping the PAX brought their lunch pails bc this was a sandwich sure to bring it.

It went down like this:

The Thang

“Fat Angie Sandwich” – (Modified to include additional work)

Each PAX grabs coupon and lines up at bottom of concrete monster

25 Burpees

100 Block Curls

Burpee Broad Jump up the monster (~50 yards)

100 Merkins

Bear Crawl down the monster (~50 yards)

100 Bonnie Blairs (count each leg)

Burpee Broad Jump up the monster (~50 yards)

100 Big Boy Sit-Ups

Bear Crawl down the monster (~50 yards)

100 chest presses

25 Burpees


Anyone who finishes early can work on the following (repeat until time is called):

25 KB Swings

25 OH presses

25 Monkey Humpers

50 Flutters



  • Great effort by all PAX today.  That was a test and everyone stepped up.
  • Sugar brought up a good point post workout:  Having all 17 on the monster at once made for some good camaraderie but also made for a good push.  Sometimes when we get spread out on the solo work, you can get complacent without someone there pushing you.
  • Several folks wearing weighted vests again today.  Killing it.
  • Piddler says I’m becoming predictable and knew the sandwich was coming today.  Duly noted and you can expect a surprise or two next Q.
  • Sunshine knows the accounting equation.  Impressive and it cost me 5 burpees.
  • Ball Bag for his first bootcamp experience performed quite well.  Keep coming back, you will get better and it gets easier.
  • Good to see such a large group – keep pushing.  Don’t let yourself plateau.
  • Cruiser back in town and showed out.