In the book Divergent, the main male protagonist was known to have only four fears. The way this was determined needs a book to explain it, so check out for Divergent for the ‘why’ behind it. Anywho, the character was aptly nicknamed ‘Four.’ Yes, that was his name. And if he had posted today at Shipyard, we would have had to change his name to ‘Five.’ As such, it was quite an honor to post alongside a couple of young bucks (Flipper and JohnBoat) and Beano, who is nursing an IT band issue. It was quite an honor to post alongside these men this morning and I appreciate them showing up to sharpen a fat old fella with a sharp tongue.
First long sleeve shirt day of the fall so I knew we needed to get warmed up quickly.
Mosey to grab a coupon and line up on goal line of practice field. YHC initially planned to head to the big boy field, but thought of having to smell that chemical-rubber odor for 45 straight minutes forced a change.
Dynamic warm up
- Jog it out to the 10 yard line…20 yard line…ok, to the shadow across the field that appears to be the 25 yard line. Jog back.
- Power skips out. Jog back
- Carioca facing the school. Jog back
- Carioca facing away from the school. Jog back.
- Back pedal. Jog back.
Partner up.
P1 does burpees over the block while P2 JohnCusack to the … 25 yard line. 10 side bends each side and JohnCusack back to the goal line. Flapjack.
Everyone completed three trips down and back.
Recovery lap around the field. (this is where YHC effectively lied to Beano when YHC said there would be very little running. #Cobains, Beano.)
P1 bear crawls. P2 does 10 KB swings then moseys to catch up to P1. P2 continues bear crawling down the field while P1 hits the KB swings. Continue until you reach the opposite goal post.
Same concept, except P1 does burpee broad jump while P2 does 10 SDHP. Flapjack back to the other goal post.
Mosey over to the bleachers for some supersets
- 25 incline merkins. 25 dips.
- 20 incline merkins. 20 dips.
- 15 incline merkins. 15 dips.
- 10 incline merkins. 10 dips.
- 5 incline merkins. 5 dips.
Turns out the little bench pieces in the handicap section are very narrow. That made the movements more like diamond merkins and diamond dips (if there is such a thing!).
Mosey back to field for UncleJesse’s #AbRipper.
- 15 BBS, 15 AmericanHammers, 15 V-Ups
- 14 BBS, 14 AmericanHammers, 14 V-ups
- … so on and so forth until you get to 1. I think everyone finished up the round of 13 before time was called.
Put up coupons. Quick gratitude breathing exercise complete with Manvotion about taking every thought captive and keeping an attitude of gratitude.
Thanks again, men, for the opportunity to lead.