F3 Greenwood

YHC has had a case of dead legs this week, so decided to a fairly simple upper body beatdown.  With several pax doubling down and Uncle Jesse on the Q for Tsunami, I figured he would have a more mobile workout, and it worked out well to stay relatively stationary for the early shift at the Shipyard.  12 pax joined me, with 5 of those doubling down.

Disclaimer: Given at the 20 second warning

Conditions: 70ish and muggy

SSH – 20 IC (Increasing tempo)
LBAC – 20 IC (Forward and Backward)


Partner up into pairs
Partner 1 does work, Partner 2 runs to 50 yard line does 10 merkins and runs back
Flapjack until work is done
100 KB Swings
200 Merkins
300 Curls
200 OH Presses
100 Dips

Field of Dreams
Pax were split into four groups.  A pseudo-baseball diamond was laid out using the sideline, hash marks, goal line and 30 yard line.  Each group of pax was assigned to a “base” with specific work described below. The only specified number of reps were at home plate.  Once 15 burpees were completed by that group, they ran to 1st where the pax on 1st could stop and run to 2nd….rotating around the bases.  One round complete once every group had done work at home plate.
Home – 15 Burpees
1st – Merkins – AMRAP (2nd Round – LBC’s)
2nd – Big Boy Situps – AMRAP
3rd – Squats – AMRAP

2 rounds were completed when it was time for the Tsunami crowd to take their turn.

Counts: 13


Announcements: Manhood Restored Book Study – Friday after the workouts, FNG Day – This saturday 0600 at the Epicenter

Prayer Requests: Baby Blu’s M traveling, Special K – work decisions to be made



  • YHC expected a decent size crowd due to the HC’s to Doubledown.  Things were looking a little slim but about 0512, quite a few pax rolled in to make a lucky 13.
  • Somehow Baby Blu and Special K got paired together while Uncle Jesse and Sour got paired together during the DORA.  Two strong duos there.  For those scoring at home, BB & SK had the edge and finished the dips just as recover was being called.
  • I believe this is the toughest workout I’ve put together in my short Q career.  I have to say it felt good to see pax quit working but not want to get off the ground when the final recover was called.
  • Plenty of merkins to go around this morning for those participating in the merkin challenge.
  • #tclaps to the 5 double downers.
  • I appreciate every guy who came out this morning and the effort that was put in.  Solid work by a group of solid guys.  As always, it’s a pleasure to get the opportunity to lead.  Looking forward to the next time.

