F3 Greenwood

8 pax joined YHC for a run around the Shipyard with some work mixed in along the way.

20 SSH – IC
20 Cut the grass – IC
Enough of that, let’s get to the work.

On the grass field, line up on the goal line.
Karaoke to the 10 yard line
10 merkins
Crawlbear back to the goal line
5 burpees
Rinse and Repeat going 10 yards farther each time and increasing merkins by 5

Mosey to the driveway on Calhoun Rd

Red Light-Green Light
The plan: Watching the traffic signal at Calhoun and Cambridge – When the light is green, mosey north along Calhoun.  When the light turns red, stop and do squats until the light is green again, rinse and repeat until reaching the student parking lot driveway (approx. 0.20 miles).
What actually happened: The light is green, let’s mosey.  The light never turned red, so upon arriving at the student parking lot, 25 squats OYO.

Mosey to the retaining wall behind the school

Partner up
Partner 1 does 10 Australian Mountain Climbers
Partner 2 does American Hammers until Partner 1 is done
Flapjack, rinse and repeat (approx. 4 rounds)

Mosey to the Concrete Monster

11’s on the CM
1 reverse crunch at the bottom
Run to the top, 10 big boy situps
Run back down
Rinse and repeat performing 1 more reverse crunch and 1 less BBS each round

Count-o-rama: 9


Announcements: Saturday workout is at the Shipyard

Prayer Requests: Rocky, YHC’s sister-in-law recovering from surgery



  • YHC had done some EHing on future Citadel cadet Jake Campbell.  He showed up this morning and put in some solid work keeping up with the old guys.  He will henceforth be known as PETA.
  • Things have been busy this week so YHC decided to do a repeat of a previous Epicenter Q.  It went well except for not being able to see the lines on the practice field.  YHC watched the sprinklers that were running on the other end of the field and prayed the whole time we were on the field that they wouldn’t turn off and then turn on the zone were we were working.  Luckily, we stayed dry, at least relative to getting soaked by the sprinklers.
  • YHC may have to get a key to the traffic signal cabinet and change the timing before attempting the Red Light-Green Light run again.
  • Strong effort put in by all pax today.  This group had a lot of newer guys who showed up ready to work.  Keep coming out and as you’ve heard us say before, “It doesn’t get easier, but you’ll get better.”  And that’s the truth.  The foundation of what we do is having brothers beside you to push you to get better and all the while, you’re pushing them to get better, whether you realize it or not.
  • It’s always a pleasure to lead the pax in the gloom.  Today was no different.  Thanks for coming out and pushing each other to get better.
