F3 Greenwood

19 pax posted for what YHC hopes was a decent fullbody BeatDown…wasn’t the caliber of a complete smokefest, but that’s a hard level to live up to.


Power skip the curves, Carioca the straights


Weighted lunge to 10 yd line
10 squats (Goblet or air)
Rifle carry back to goal line
10 Merkins
Weighted lunge to 20 yd line
20 squats (Goblet or air)
Rifle carry back to goal line
20 Merkins
Weighted lunge to 30 yd line
30 squats (Goblet or air)
Rifle carry back to goal line
30 Merkins
Weighted lunge to 40 yd line
40 squats (Goblet or air)
Rifle carry back to goal line
40 Merkins
Weighted lunge to 50 yd line
50 squats (Goblet or air)
Rifle carry back to goal line
50 Merkins

5 triceps extensions
10 curls
10 triceps extensions
20 curls
15 triceps extensions
30 curls
20 triceps
40 curls
25 triceps extensions
50 curls
20 triceps extensions
40 curls
15 triceps extensions
30 curls
10 triceps extensions
20 curls
5 triceps extensions
10 curls

Work was periodically stopped for various calisthenic movements: plank jack, SSH, goofball, imperial walker, etc.

3 Min Pax Choice
DixieChick – 25 V-ups
UncleBuck- 26 SSH
MeterMaid- 27 BigBoi sit-ups



Welcome to FNG SouthernBelle!

Speaking of FNGs..next Saturday will be FNG day…look for a canned recruiting message you can use that will be posted on pax DM group on Twitter

How do you keep UncleJesse mid pack during a bootcamp workout? Send him to a wine walk and after party where he consumes copious amounts of alcohol. Good job for UJ and Alpo posting after some nice drankin’ – really wish they would have splashed some real Merlot