F3 Greenwood

Counterama-18 hardworking Pax on a wonderful 68 degree morning @ the Shipyard took on a bo-d beatdown.

Namerama-Special K, Seat down, Hysteria, Meter Maid, Sugar, Mac and Cheese, John Doe, Tickle, Donnie ?(FNG-Snookie) T-Rav(R), Algae(R), Shaggy(R), Spud, Piddler, Blue Print, Unplugged, Chubbs, Bo Diddley

5:15 Mosey to the flag pole

Disclaimer was given

Warm-Up I dont know if I am a good cadence caller but the mumble chatter was that I should thank Uncle Sam for teaching me how to count like that. Good ole American Tax dollars at work. I asked the Pax at the beginning to think about what motivates them? I knew it would be tough but if they focused on that, they would be alright.

Cut-the-Grass IC 15



Run in place 1 minute

Stretch on your own 30 secs

Partner up 1 coupon per group across the sideline

The Thang

4×50 was the plan but most groups got through 2 sets before Recover was called

Overhead press while partner does flutter kicks then switch

Curls for the girls while partner does Lunges then switch

Chest Presses while partner does Big Boy sit-ups then switch

25/25 Side Bends while partner does Jungle Boy Squat then switch

Bent over Rows while partner does Reverse Crunch then switch

Mercans while partner does wall sits then switch

After 1st set sprint with partner across the field and the repeat

Move to the goaline

Side Plank 20 yds and back(Modified to 10 yds for time) Partner does burpees then switch

Bear crawl 50 yds and back(Modified to 20) Partner does mountain climbers then switch

Sprint 50 yds and back partner does Al Gores then switch

Fireman Coupon Carry 50 yds switch hands and back partner does planks


Mosey back to put the coupons up still had some time to spare

Your Call Exercises

Sugar-25 Big Boy Sit-ups

Meter Maid-25 American Hammers count on the right

Hysteria-25 Monkey Humpers

Whew the beatdown is complete!!!!!!

Announcements were made Race the Helix and Convergence this Saturday

Word: http://y-jesus.com/wwrj/6-jesus-rise-dead/   Website I read one day and it has really encouraged me to tell people that Jesus is Alive!. Sometimes we are cowards in this world of evil and do not do the things God wants us to do. Like the disciples before Jesus death on the cross they acted like cowards and said they did not even know Jesus at all. All it took for them to gain the courage was to know that Jesus was alive and had conquered death. There was nothing to be afraid of anymore. Jesus is alive. Spread the good news.

Prayer Requests: Rocky and Judge Harry