10 Pax posted and dropped a few Stink B.O.M.B.S. @ the Yard
Conditions: 30*
Disclaimer: Given
Grab a Coupon and Mosey to the Flag Pole in front of the School
S.S.H. 25 IC
High Knee Drives 10 Each Leg OYO
S.S.H. 15 IC
High Knee Drives 5 Each Leg OYO
Partner Up
Stink B.O.M.B.S.
Cone #1: 100 Burpees
Flag Pole: 10 Alpo’s
Cone #2: 200 Over Head Presses
Flag Pole: Bear Crawl around Flag Pole
Cone #3: 300 Merkins
Flag Pole: 10 Block Presses
Cone #4: 400 Big Boy Sit-Ups
Flag Pole: 10 V-Ups
Cone #5: 500 Squats
Flag Pole: 10 High Knee Drives (5 each leg)
Time was winding down so we cut the reps short at the 4th and 5th cone.
Nothing new this morning, but some announcements were made later in the day. Check the news letter to get caught up.
Prayer Request:
* Flossy’s Uncle
* Pusher’s Aunt and Uncle
* College students unable to make it home for the holidays.
* This is the second time I have ran the Stink B.O.M.B.S. and I’m starting to think they aren’t doable in normal workout timeframe. At least not with out minimizing the center work that is done. And who wants to dilute a quality workout.
* YHC was feeling the holiday spirit this morning. Several times throughout the workouts the guys told me how popular I was.
* Note to future Q’s… Sunshine loves Bear Crawls.
* Speaking of Bear Crawls, a new version called the Baby Bear Crawl was demonstrated by Splenda.
* Nice that Flipper is home for the Holidays so he could make an appearance.
Until the next Q
MM is out