F3 Greenwood

YHC was shocked to discover he had the Q at the Shipyard, but hey, somebody had to do it.  It has been awhile since YHC had done a little BlackJack.  And since YHC missed the cardgame last Saturday night, it sounded like a good idea.  Weather was perfect.  So we grabbed coupons and headed to the lighted area behind the stadium.  Disclaimer given in route.




Mosey to the fake field, line up on the goalline and get ready for a hand of 21.

Run to the 50 yd line and perform 20 Big Boi sit-ups, run back to the goalline and perform 1 merkin.  repeat decreasing by 1 the Big Bois, and increasing the merkins by 1 each time.  Continue until you have done 1 bigboi and 20 merkins.

Had a few minutes left, so we moseyed to where we left the coupons to get in a little pax choice.   I called this session “Take it easy on the pax”, cause it was dealer choice.

25 reps of each exercise was done, including:

25 Overhead presses (3 sets)

25 Curls (2 sets)

25 Goblet Squats (2 sets)

25 Merkins

25 Plank drags (in plank position and drag coupon under from side to side)

25 Alpos

25 Bent over rows

maybe some more……….

time was called @ 6am





prayer requests


It was good to see all the pax out today, including Rapunzal, who mentioned he had a praise for some tests that had been run on him for some chest pains.  Really glad to hear!  It was good to have him back!  As March Madness winds down, YHC reflect back on the times had and the commitment of the pax to post for themselves and each other.  I hope the trend will continue into April as well.  Until next time, BabyBlu out.