Conditions: 72 and muggy.
Disclaimer and One min warning given.
Warm-up: 25 SSH IC
5 Burpees OYO
5 Burpees OYO
Work: 50 Merkins
60 Curls
50 Overhead Press
60 Curls
50 Triceps Extensions
60 Curls
Mosey to flag pole in from of school.
50 Big Bois
60 Sec Low Plank
50 Reverse Crunches
60 Sec Low Plank
50 Flutters (count one leg)
60 Sec Low Plank
Mosey to retaining wall beside school.
50 Calf Rises
60 Sec Wall Sit
50 Jungle Bois
60 Sec Wall Sit
50 Monkey Humpers
60 Sec Wall Sit
Mosey to back side of school.
50 American Hammers (count one side)
60 Sec High Plank
50 Whirley Bois (count one side)
60 Sec Low Plank
50 LBC’s
60 Sec Low Plank
Extra Time.
50 Dips
50 Step Ups
Blood and Guts Run Oct 31
Need PAX to step up and Q.
Prayer Request:
Inspectors brother. His house burned and lost everything.
2C unspoken
More deaths recently around the Wood due to car accidents.
**Warning. Pay attention the next time you do work around the light poles at the Shipyard. Seems the poles are infested with black widows. Especially the one where the shovel flag is normally located.
**And don’t mention being bitten by anything during a workout if Duggar is around. He looses all train of thought after that and begins to itch all over.