F3 Greenwood

Pax gather at flag in front of Shipyard gym, mosey to the coupon stack and decide to set up work at the bottom of the concrete monster, behind the Shipyard.






Thang 1

Count off 1 and 2 for two man teams,

Modified DORA workout

150- Merkins

Each partner rotates through 5 each of the following: 5 Merkins, 5 Werkins, 5 Diamond Merkins, 5 left stagger Merkins, and 5 right stagger Merkins. While P1 does their 5 P2 planks, but holds the plank in whichever merkin stance they just finished. Repeat 3 times

200 LBCs, with blocks:

P1 holds coupon on chest, and does 20 LBCs. P2 is on his six, holding coupon with arms extended, and feet at 6 inches. Flapjack until all 200 LBCs are complete.

200 Goblet Squats

P1 does 25 goblet squats with coupon. P2 holds down position of goblet squat while holding coupon waiting on P1. Flapjack until done. Repeat 4 times

This was a #crowdpleaser

After everyone was done w/ Dora, and feeling a little beat down, we left our coupons, and lined up facing behind the school.

Thang 2

Since Dora was a bit lazy, our legs needed a stretch, so line up at the bottom of the monster for 11s – run approx 30ish yards to light pole and do 10 burpees, then return and do 1 jump lunge. Rinse and Repeat, dropping a rep of burpees down to 1 and adding a rep of Jump lunges up to 10

For the last 6 minutes tried to work on our “shirtless entry physique”

400- overhead presses

One partner does 20 overhead presses, other partner does curls until 1st pax is done then flipjack only got to about 4 sets when time expired.


based on 1 Peter 4:8

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

This is a very important life verse for marriage because marriage is the unification of two sinners. No one is perfect in marriage. There will be times that a husband or wife may fail each other, mess up, or do something hurtful. It is important to remember God’s definition of love and know that loving each other deeply can cover all those sins.

A lot of times kids become the focal point, and it is important to give the M attention. Something that everyone can do is pray each night with your wife. Pray that she has a great day or anything that you have been talking about. It will improve every aspect of your marriage.