F3 Greenwood

YHC had skipped Alpos Q at TheShip last week in order to attend a session at Fury, so felt the need to attend this weeks version of Alpo at Shipyard.

YHC pulled into the parking lot around 5:11 but didn’t think anything about Alpos vehicle not being there yet, he has a history of coming in VERY hot. Planted the flag, spoke to fellow pax in attendance, noted that there was a nice turnout in part because of Uncle Pushers Push for 35. Glanced down at watch and realized it was 5:15…still no Alpo.

Disclaimer – YHC is not a professional and YHC is not supposed to be your Q…but off we go

20 Windmill IC

Line up on goal line
Bear crawl to 10 yard line, perform 10 merkins, run remaining 90 yards to other goal line
Broad jump to 10 yard line, perform 10 squats, run remaining 90 yards to other goal line
Bear crawl to 20 yard line, perform 20 merkins, run remaining 80 yards to other goal line
Broad jump to 20 yard line, perform 20 squats, run remaining 80 yards to other goal line
You get the pattern, keep going until you hear recover
YHC allowed almost all pax to get through the 50 yard line segment (Duggar had already lapped the entire field, maybe more than once)

Circle up around midfield logo
25 big boi sit ups
50 second low plank
20 big boi sit ups
40 second low plank
15 big boi sit ups
30 second low plank
10 big boi sit ups
20 second low plank
5 big boi sit ups
10 second low plank

Pax choice for last 7 mins


Luckily YHC had already been thinking about Q assignment for next Tuesday and had a few ideas top of mind that came in handy

If you didn’t hear, Alpo slept through his alarm and missed his Q (Welcome to the club)

Kobayashi must have gotten dressed in a really dark room, he seemed to have grabbed his M’s yoga pants this morning

Shaggy did not merlot

#tclaps to Pacer for his always excellent cadence call for planks