Posted on by Kobayashi on behalf of Special K. Below are his words…
Conditions: @ 60*
9 PAX arrived at The Shipyard and after the disclaimer was given moseyed down to the goal line on the game field. No coupon necessary…
100 yard run to other goal line (20 merkins oyo)
Run to the 50 (20 big boys oyo)
Run to the original goal line (20 deep squats oyo)
100 yard run to the other goal line (10 merkins oyo)
Run to the 50 (10 big boys oyo)
Run to the original goal line (10 deep squats oyo)
All work was done on the goal line.
Challenge 1:
Complete at many merkins as you can in 1 minute (remember your number).
At the end of 1 minute run “your pace” to the 25 and back (50 yds)
Then…complete as many big boys as you can in 1 minute (remember your number). At the end of 1 minute complete the previous 50 yd run.
Then…complete as many deep squats as you can in 1 minute (remember your number). At the end of 1 minute complete the previous 50 yd run.
After a 10 count (or so) begin the next challenge…
Challenge 2:
Issue the same work as above to the PAX, only this time each exercise is for 2 minutes. The CHALLENGE is to match and hopefully best your numbers from the 1 minute challenge. Also, the run after each exercise is to the 50 and back (100 yds).
After a 15 count (or so) begin the next challenge…
Challenge 3:
Issue the same work as above to the PAX, only this time each exercise is for 3 minutes. The CHALLENGE is to match and hopefully best your numbers from the 2 minute challenge. Also, the run after each exercise is 75 yards out and back (150 yds).
After a 20 count (or so) begin the next challenge…
Challenge 4:
Issue the same work as above to the PAX, only this time the LAST SET of exercises are each for a 1 BURNOUT minute. The CHALLENGE is to not be able to feel that muscle group at the end of the said exercise. After each 1 minute burnout set, run as fast as possible to the far goal line and back (200 yds).
We end right a 6 bells…9 men were issued the challenge and my hopes is that each competed and superseded their expectations/limitations. Definitely my pleasure bringing the group the workout in the gloom this a.m. Even had a couple/few “crazies” wearing weighted vests this morning – ouch!
Be looking for some changes to be coming…
This Saturday’s AO – Epicenter (6:00 a.m.)
Prayer requests:
Baby Blu’s daughter and entire family
Continue to lift one another up in prayer throughout the day…we have a blessed opportunity to do that for each other.
Brief Devo:
Wait for God’s timing and be bold in Him, not proud/vain in our feeble accomplishments. See the story in Samuel about King Saul and King David.
Thanks again for showing/working this a.m. Always a pleasure to have the ability to and working alongside the men of @F3Greenwood – Until next time…
Special K