F3 Greenwood

As I pulled up, I saw the lone Tickle sitting on the curb waiting on the party to start. Piddler finally got some sleep last night and was able to start back to what we hope is a long stretch of hitting the gloom (and a sleeping baby girl). Good to see Meter Maid back at it after months of Chicago Marathon training. The shocker was seeing Polly and Judge Hairy roll in. Have they completely defected from the Epicenter? And apparently 2C hit the snooze too many times and missed Fury, but at least he posted. Good work 2C!

One minute warning and disclaimer- done

Let’s get to work!

Warm up-

20 Mountain Climbers IC

15 American Hammers IC

10 Burpees OYO

Grab a coupon and meet at the student parking lot.

The Thang-

Line the coupons up at the 1st lamp pole.

Start with 10 BBSU’s at the curb. Run to the coupon and do prescribed work. Run back to the curb for 20 BBSU’s. Run back to the coupon, pick it up and run to the 2nd lamp pole. Rinse and repeat to the 4th lamp pole. After the work at the 4th lamp pole, run on to the opposite side for BBSU’s. Start the same process over coming back across the parking lot to where we started. An audible was called from 10 BBSU’s to 20 BBSU’s, because YHC misread his notes. The work was as follows:

20 BBSU’s

1st pole- 20 Goblet squats

20 BBSU’s

2nd pole- 20 Overhead presses

20 BBSU’s

3rd pole- 20 Alpos

20 BBSU’s

4th pole- 20 Merkins

20 BBSU’s

4th pole- 20 We’re Not worthy’s

20 BBSU’s

3rd pole- 20 Thrusters

20 BBSU’s

2nd pole- 20 Block Merkins (10 each side)

20 BBSU’s

1st pole- 20 Standing chest presses

20 BBSU’s

Rinse and repeat for the 6. I was struggling to keep up with Pacer and Beano. They were smoking. We got in another half round before I called recover. Meter Maid hit us with a 10 count.

Head to the benches.

Bench work-

1 Incline Merkin/ 1 dip

Increase by 1 each to 10 and come back down.

Doesn’t sound too bad right? Think again. If completed, that is 100 of each without stopping. It was a sweatfest! Beano was the only one to finish with Pacer right on his tail. Fantastic work by all! That was intense! Recover, mosey coupons back, and circle up at the flag.




Announcements- Saturday bootcamp is at Terrapin. Somebody step up and take the Q before Friday night! Meals on Wheels 5K Nov 10 at Greenwood Christian School. Spartan Race Nov 17(Beast)/18(Sprint). You have a whole month to train. The more we have, the more fun it is. Blood and Guts at the end of the month. Sign up!

Prayer requests/praise reports- The Black family and the Gravley family, the mother of Pacer’s friend Claudine and her struggle with Leukemia, Tootsie Roll with hip pain.

BOM- YHC prayed us out

NMM- It was good to get back out to the Shipyard where it all started for me. We had a great group of guys this morning. Congrats Polly! Mumblechatter was either low, or I couldn’t hear over my breathing. Work was done and sweat was poured. It was an honor to get out with these men and get better. Meter Maid, and possibly others, were recovering from nagging injuries and did the smart thing by modifying. Dr. Polly seemed surprised that the marathon didn’t cure Meter Maid’s leg pain. Surely 4 hours of continuous running could fix about anything? One thing about F3 is I can remember about every workout I’ve done over the past year and a half. There are memories made with every single bootcamp that can’t be replicated anywhere else. But like anything else, if you are away from anything to long, you forget the memories and how you felt at the time. Daily numbers have been down, honestly as low as I’ve ever seen them. EH some guys that haven’t been posting. Hopefully they will remember what got them out there in the first place. Just one week away can be enough to give up and do the easier thing. Stay at it boys! Until next time!

Southern Belle is hanging up…….