F3 Greenwood

Posted by Kobayashi on behalf of Encino Man.

Not only was I nominated to do my first Q but also it was my first 60 minutes and Saturday workout, so here we go. 
Disclaimer given at 5:15
Warmups: side straddle hops inquedence 25, 10 merkens on your own, and 10 mountain climbers inquedence.
Grab coupons and meet on practice field. First ten minute round; farmer carry right hand to left corner of the field and do 10 man makers, over head carry to right side of field and 40 curls, farmer carry back with left hand to middle of field and do 10 LBCs. Repeat.
Next ten minute round; farmer carry to opposite left side of field and do 20 weighted squats over head carry to right side of field and do 40 bench presses, farmer carry to middle with opposite hand. Repeat. 
Return coupons and do one lap around school Indian run stopping half way and doing 10 burpees and 20 air squats, continue run and meet in front of school. Next exercise; 20 dips and 10 extended merkens repeat for 10 minutes. Next exercise meet at flag pole, do 20LBCs and 10 down to up planks counting as 1. Repeat for 10 minutes. Meet back had flag and do a two minute plank, 10 merkens and 
Announcements: Next Saturday workout at the Epicenter and will be needing a Q, welcome FNG Screech and welcome back Steamer first boot camp appearance.