Upon pulling up to SB, Blu and YHC noticed very few vehicles, which was surprising considering we were almost running late (more on that later). After a brief discussion, we came to the conclusion that a combination of March Madness fatigue, spring break, and tired legs from the P200 were keeping PAX away on a beautiful morning for a run. That being said, here’s what went down.
Conditions – A little warmer than it has been, with temp around 47. A crowd of 15 PAX were on hand for this mornings Coffee Run.
A very brief disclaimer was given.
We ran, walked or rucked, several routes and distances, and all returned safely.
Count-o-Roma: 15
- Lunch tomorrow at Fusion, 12:15
- Saturday at Shipyard
- Kid’s Camp out 4/14, so sign up
Prayer Requests:
- Various PAX families
- Various PAX injuries
- Temps and weather gave us great conditions to run.
- Personally, what YHC will call Zombie Legs kept his run from being a good one though. The legs just aren’t quite working the way they should yet. Definitely P200 fatigue.
- And from above about almost being late….YHC picked up our elder statesman Blu for today’s run. But when YHC showed up at his house, Blu was nowhere to be found. Could this be the day, the first miss for Blu during March Madness? Blu eventually showed up, but from the look on his face it was definitely a close call.
As always, it’s an honor to lead such a fine group of men. Until next time (tomorrow at the Ship to be exact), Bean is out!