Conditions: Perfect 54 degrees
COT: Disclaimer given
The Thang: Run for 22.5 minutes, turn around and run back.
NMMS: Today’s Run is brought to you by the word “VOLITION”
Volition (vo-li-tion) noun
- the faculty or power of using one’s will.
YHC gave what I thought to be a perfect disclaimer, only to be chastised for using big words. “You are here of your own volition.” It was great to have Flossy back in the Gloom for his first “M approved” post-injury run. Other notable returnees were Mac-N-Cheese, Fabio, and Uncle Buck himself. We also had Schweddy visiting again.
Nice to have Hulk and Trojan rucking with us regularly on run days.
Announcements: Piddler and Dixie Chick need RUN Q’s!!!! Sign up today. Boot camps need Q’s as well.
Prayer Requests: Uncle Buck’s M on upcoming OP surgery, a friend of UB’s, Christy Williams, Flossy’s Uncle and Aunt (Bubba and Jo,)
BOM: Hulk led us in prayer
-Polly out
PS – Flossy, you have a headlight out.