F3 Greenwood

It’s been awhile but UB fell right back in…breathing a little heavier…

The disclaimer was not forgotten and the warmup was started on time

The warmup
20 sidestradle hop IC
20 imperial walkers IC
20 grass cutters IC
20 calf raises IC

Warmup done, PAX grab a coupon and line up on the goal line of the Emerald Vikings football field

The Thang

Starting on the goal line, PAX completed 20 sidestradle hop…grab your coupon and move to the 10 (carry the coupon with you thru out the workout)
At the 10 PAX complete 10 Burpees
At the 20 complete 20 horizontal press
30 kettle bell swings
40 curls
50 full body crunch (arms and legs extended fully then drawn into the crunch position, trying not to “tap” the ground with your heels)
40 triceps extensions
30 jungle boi squats
20 bent over rows
10 man makers
Sidestradle hops on goal line
Carry coupon back to original goal line, rinse and repeat
During the 3rd set, recover was called and PAX were instructed to gather at the concrete monster
At the bottom complete 30 curls with coupon…leave coupon and bear crawl to top…at the top, do 30 side crunches, count each side (15 each side) then crab walk down rinse and repeat until time was called


CountOrama, NameOrama, announcements, prayer requests, prayer