Conditions – 70° and humid as crap
One minute warning and disclaimer – done
0515 – We all took off and came back at 0600. Or as Blu stated, “Might come back before 6, or may come back after 6.” He was correct on the later!
As I pulled in, I caught a glimpse of Eleanor pulling some ruckers behind her as they headed out early. Papercut was right behind them. It was a good morning to stretch the legs and put in some miles with my brothers. On my way back in, I passed Gopher and Detour getting in a little father/son mosey. They just got a late start. About the time I get up around Sherwin Williams, I hear “You can run faster than that!” It was Koby and Magnum, and he was wrong. I could not go any faster. I was struggling! Everyone made it back in one piece, and just as he predicted, Blu came rolling in just past 6. We were glad to have the ruckers in the COT with us this morning.
No announcements
Prayer requests/praise reports- Juggernaut’s sister in law/family lost everything in a house fire. See Juggs or visit his wife’s FB page for all the details on how you can help. Mr. Bean’s cousins’ wife has pancreatic cancer.
BOM- YHC prayed us out.
Great work men! Always my pleasure to lead along side my brothers.
Southern Belle is hanging up……