Disclaimer- given at 5:14 along with the 1 minute warning.
Conditions- 64 degrees with 100% humidity
The Thang- Running, walking, rucking. Everyone returned safely at 6.
Announcements- Looking for a 2.0 Q for Saturday. Need someone to step up and lead. A few things that were not mentioned were the IronPAX challenge starting in August. Give this link a follow if you haven’t already https://twitter.com/F3IronPax. This is nation wide and is getting a lot of traction. Also the City Ruck Tour is coming through Greenwood to support our local law enforcement. Our very own Juggernaut is spearheading this, so hit him up if you are interested and follow this link https://twitter.com/CityRuckTour.
Prayer requests/ praise reports- Safety for Fabio’s Father-in-law on mission trip, Special K’s friend with loss of a parent. Mac n Cheese during a difficult season, any and all PAX struggling with ups and downs in their lives.
NMM- Had a great crowd show up this morning. Goose and Quickie snuck in on us a little late, but they were here to do work. Infraction got an early start since he has to leave early for work. We spotted him on his way back in. Look forward to seeing him in the gloom more. On our way out, Goose was telling us about his last 2 outings from the fountain. He apparently fell on the first one and returned the next time to fall twice directly on his existing wounds! Well, the third time must be a charm, because I believe he made it back this morning unscathed. Sidewalks can be tricky and uneven. I urge all PAX to stay alert and have enough light to see where your feet are going. At 6, we all circled up, and Judge Hairy entered the circle just as the nameorama got around to him.
Psalm 23:5- ‘You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” This has always sounded odd to me. But Jesus is willing to meet us where we are at and provide an environment to be in a relationship with Him, even in the presence of our enemies or during a difficult time. This is why 2ndF is so important to us men. When you sit down and share a meal with someone, that is when you get to know the most intimate details of their lives and have a relationship with them. But the enemy would love to pull a chair up to this table and distract you from having this relationship with Jesus. Is the enemy sitting at the table with you? Is he distracting you with something to take your focus from Jesus? Do everything you can to keep the enemy from your table. “The thief comes to ONLY steal and kill and destroy..” John 10:10. I don’t want that at my table.
Enjoyed my time with you brothers.
Southern Belle is hanging up……