F3 Greenwood

35… No wait, 36 Pax posted to Starbucks to get their run, walk, or Ruck on. While doing so, procuring the highly sought after point for the March Madness Competition. After 7 days of the challenge have come and gone, numbers have been better than recent weeks/months. Kudos to the idea guy that come up with this one. I’m guessing Sugar will take credit for it.

Conditions: Somewhat chilly
Disclaimer: Given

It’s 5:15 so take off. Of course a lot of guys, including the Ruckers, had already left out to tackle their targeted miles. The rest of us headed out.

Everyone got back when they got back.



Named the FNG

* Saturday’s workout is at the Epicenter

Prayer Requests:
* Otis’ Mom. (Step Dad passed away)
* Thumper and his Family
* Ellenberg Family
* Koone Family

BOM: Duggar prayed us out

* To repeat what was said above, numbers are looking good. Keep it up.
* Great to have Otis back out and running with us.
* Welcome FNG Dick Trickle. Look forward to having you back out.
* COT first happened this morning. As we were circling up it was noticed that a woman had approached Tinkerbell. Turns out she was inquiring about his Starbucks order. Also turns out she didn’t realize there were 30 other guys standing there too, because she didn’t get around to inquiring about our orders.
* It’s a good thing I recorded the Count-o-rama and Name-o-rama. Turns out I was so concerned about including everyone else that I failed to count off and name off. Of course it went unnoticed by everyone else. Hmm… (By the way Mr. Blu, the MM point still counts)
* We probably also need to add Leaner to the prayer list. If I’m not mistaking he has a dog that has cancer and that kept him from being able to Q. While we’re at it, we should probably put out a warning to all dogs looking for a good home that Leaner’s home does not meet that description. Dogs are having a run of bad luck there.

Until the next Q,
The Meter is paid in full…